Wednesday, November 13th 2019
09:00-09:30 Welcome
09:30-12:30 Tutorial: Recognizing
and reducing bias in NLP applications, Dirk Hovy
Session chair: Roberto Navigli
12:30-14:00 Lunch break (own plans)
14:00-14:30 Opening
14:30-15:30 Session I - NLP for Digital Humanities &
Linguistic Theories, Cognitive Modelling and Psycholinguistics
Session chair: Federico Boschetti
39. Rachele Sprugnoli, Marco Passarotti and Giovanni Moretti. vir is to moderatus as mulier is to
intemperans - Lemma Embeddings for Latin
13. Alessia Battisti, Sarah Ebling and Martin Volk. An Empirical Analysis of Linguistic, Typographic, and Structural
Features in Simplified German Texts
24. Chiara
Alzetta, Alessio Miaschi, Giovanni Adorni, Felice Dell'Orletta, Frosina Koceva,
Samuele Passalacqua and Ilaria Torre. Prerequisite or Not Prerequisite?
That’s the problem! An NLP-based Approach for Concept Prerequisite Learning
42. Simon Preissner and Aurélie Herbelot. To be fair: a case for cognitively-inspired models of meaning
15:30-16:00 Poster Madness I
Session chair: Fabio Tamburini
37. Sonia
Cenceschi, Roberto Tedesco, Licia Sbattella, Davide Losio and Mauro Luchetti. PESInet:
automatic recognition of Italian Statements, Questions, and Exclamations with
Neural Networks
84. Alessandro
Mazzei, Michele Monticone and Cristian Bernareggi. Evaluating Speech Synthesis on
Mathematical Sentences
65. Michele Corazza, Stefano Menini, Elena Cabrio, Sara Tonelli and
Serena Villata. Cross-Platform
Evaluation for Italian Hate Speech Detection
21. Aleksandra
Maslennikova, Paolo Labruna, Andrea Cimino and Felice Dell'Orletta. Quanti anni hai? Age Identification for
70. Moniek
Nieuwenhuis and Malvina Nissim. The
Contribution of Embeddings to Sentiment Analysis on YouTube
43. Alessandra
Teresa Cignarella, Manuela Sanguinetti, Cristina Bosco and Paolo Rosso. Is This an Effective Way to Annotate Irony
16. Cataldo
Musto, Angelo Sansonetti, Marco Polignano, Giovanni Semeraro and Marco
Stranisci. HateChecker a Tool to
Automatically Detect Hater Users in Online Social Networks
56. Claudia
Roberta Combei. Is “manovra” Really “del
popolo”? Linguistic Insights into Twitter Reactions to the Annual Italian
Budget Law
71. Tommaso
Caselli and Ahmet Üstun. There and Back
Again: Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning for Event Detection
49. Mirko
Tavosanis. Valutazione umana di Google
Traduttore e DeepL per le traduzioni di testi giornalistici dall’inglese verso
11. Sara Tonelli,
Rachele Sprugnoli and Giovanni Moretti. Prendo
la Parola in Questo Consesso Mondiale: A Multi-Genre 20th Century Corpus in the
Political Domain
20. Lucia
Siciliani, Pierpaolo Basile, Giovanni Semeraro and Matteo Mennitti. An Italian Question Answering System for
Structured Data based on Controlled Natural Languages
40. Giulia
Speranza, Carola Carlino and Sina Ahmadi. Creating
a Multilingual Terminological Resource using Linked Data: the case of
archaeological domain in the Italian language
87. Davide Colla,
Marco Leontino, Enrico Mensa and Daniele P. Radicioni. From Sartre to Frege in Three Steps: A* Search for Enriching
Semantic Text Similarity Measures
82. Federico
Boschetti, Gabriella Pardelli and Giulia Venturi. Nove anni di jTEI: What's new?
2. Nicolò Busetto
and Rodolfo Delmonte. Annotating
Shakespeare’s Sonnets with Appraisal Theory to Detect Irony
31. Maristella
Gatto. CULTURE as a ‘liquid’ modern word. Evidence
from synchronic and diachronic language resources
46. Mehmet Can
Yavuz. Analyses of Literary Texts by
Using Statistical Inference Methods
16:00-17:00 Coffee break + Poster session I
17:00-18:30 Keynote: Impossible languages and the architecture of human grammars, Andrea
Session chair: Giovanni Semeraro
19:00-19:30 Reception
Thursday, November 14th 2019
09:30-11:00 Keynote: Visually-grounded dialogue models: past, present, and future,
Raquel Fernandez
Session chair: Raffaella Bernardi
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Session II - Dialogue, Discourse and
Natural Language Generation & Linguistic Issues in CL and NLP & Lexical
and Sentence-level Semantics
57. Ravi Shekhar,
Alberto Testoni, Raquel Fernández and Raffaella Bernardi. Jointly learning to see, ask, decide when to stop, and then GuessWhat
80. Michele
Cafagna, Lorenzo De Mattei, Davide Bacciu and Malvina Nissim. Suitable doesn’t mean attractive.
Human-based evaluation of automatically generated headlines
55. Aureliano
Porporato, Alessandro Mazzei, Daniele P. Radicioni and Rosa Meo. Evaluating the MuMe dialogue system with
the IDIAL protocol
25. Chiara
Buongiovanni, Francesco Gracci, Dominique Brunato and Felice Dell'Orletta. Lost in text. A cross-genre analysis of
linguistic phenomena within text
63. Stefano
Menini, Sara Tonelli, Giovanni De Gasperis and Pierpaolo Vittorini. Automated Short Answer Grading: A Simple
Solution for a Difficult Task
75. Michele
Cafagna, Lorenzo De Mattei and Malvina Nissim. Embeddings shifts as proxies for different word use in Italian
13:00-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-16:00 Session III - Information
Extraction, Information Retrieval and Question Answering & NLP for Web and
Social Media & Machine Translation and Multilinguality
Session chair: Malvina Nissim
51. Danilo Croce
and Roberto Basili. Deep Bidirectional
Transformers for Italian Question Answering
59. Federico
Rossetto, Alessio Gravina, Silvia Severini and Giuseppe Attardi. Comparative study of state-of-the-art
models on Answer Sentence Selection
62. Arthur T. E.
Capozzi, Mirko Lai, Valerio Basile, Cataldo Musto, Marco Polignano, Fabio
Poletto, Manuela Sanguinetti, Cristina Bosco, Viviana Patti, Giancarlo Ruffo,
Giovanni Semeraro and Marco Stranisci. Computational
Linguistics Against Hate: Hate Speech Detection and Visualization on Social
Media in the "Contro L’Odio" Project
26. Giulia
Chiriatti, Dominique Brunato, Felice Dell'Orletta and Giulia Venturi. What makes a review helpful? Predicting the
helpfulness of Italian TripAdvisor reviews
32. Chiara
Francesconi, Cristina Bosco, Fabio Poletto and Manuela Sanguinetti. Error Analysis in a Hate Speech Detection
Task: The Case of HaSpeeDe-TW at EVALITA 2018
83. Alina
Karakanta, Matteo Negri and Marco Turchi. Are
Subtitling Corpora really Subtitle-like?
16:00-16:30 Poster Madness II
61. Marco Vassallo,
Giuliano Gabrieli, Valerio Basile and Cristina Bosco. The Tenuousness of Lemmatization in Lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis
9. Stefano
Faralli, Irene Finocchi, Simone Paolo Ponzetto and Paola Velardi. WebIsAGraph: A very large hypernymy graph
from a Web corpus
27. Massimo
Moneglia, Alessandro Panunzi and Rossella Varvara. Defining Action Types: on the roles of Thematic Structures and Argument
33. Marco
Polignano, Pierpaolo Basile, Marco de Gemmis, Giovanni Semeraro and Valerio
Basile. AlBERTo: Italian BERT Language
Understanding Model for NLP Challenging Tasks Based on Tweets
69. Elisa Di
Nuovo, Cristina Bosco, Alessandro Mazzei and Manuela Sanguinetti. Towards an Italian Learner Treebank in
Universal Dependencies
50. Caterina
Mauri, Silvia Ballarè, Eugenio Goria, Massimo Cerruti and Francesco Suriano. KIParla corpus: a new resource for spoken
19. Pierpaolo
Basile, Giovanni Semeraro and Annalina Caputo. Kronos-it: a Dataset for the Italian Semantic Change Detection Task
29. Greta
Franzini, Andrea Peverelli, Paolo Ruffolo, Marco Passarotti, Helena Sanna,
Edoardo Signoroni, Viviana Ventura and Federica Zampedri. Nunc est aestimandum: Towards an evaluation of the Latin WordNet
18. Andrea
Iovine, Fedelucio Narducci and Marco de Gemmis. A dataset of real dialogues for Conversational Recommender Systems
34. Valentina
Bellomaria, Giuseppe Castellucci, Andrea Favalli and Raniero Romagnoli. Almawave-SLU: A new dataset for SLU in
81. Thierry
Declerck and Stefania Racioppa. Enriching
Open Multilingual Wordnets with Morphological Features
67. Fabio
Poletto, Valerio Basile, Cristina Bosco, Viviana Patti and Marco Stranisci. Annotating Hate Speech: Three Schemes at
5. Josip
Mihaljević. Games for learning old and
special alphabets – the case study of gamifying Mrežnik
10. Nicola
Cirillo, Chiara Pericolo and Pasquale Tufano. Robospierre, an Artificial Intelligence to Solve “La Ghigliottina”
79. Silvia
Brambilla, Alessio Palmero Aprosio and Stefano Menini. BullyFrame: Cyberbullying meets FrameNet
3. Gianpaolo
Coro, Giancarlo Panichi and Pasquale Pagano. An Open Science System for Text Mining
48. Cristina
Giannone, Valentina Bellomaria, Andrea Favalli and Raniero Romagnoli. Iride: an industrial perspective on
production grade end to end Dialog System
17. Andrea
Pazienza, Nicola Macchiarulo, Felice Vitulano, Alessio Germinario, Antonio
Fiorentini, Marco Cammisa, Leonardo Rigutini, Ernesto Di Iorio, Achille Globo
and Antonio Trevisi. A Novel Integrated
Industrial Approach with Cobots in the Age of Industry 4.0 through
Conversational Interaction and Computer Vision
16:30-17:30 Coffee break + Poster session II
17:30-18:30 Session IV - Language Resources and
Evaluation & Research and Industrial NLP Applications
76. Elisa
Dominutti, Lucia Pifferi, Felice Dell'Orletta, Simonetta Montemagni and Valeria
Quochi. Building an Italian
Written-Spoken Parallel Corpus: a Pilot Study
22. Daniela
Trotta, Sara Tonelli, Alessio Palmero Aprosio and Annibale Elia. Annotation and analysis of the PoliModal
corpus of political interviews
64. Costanza
Marini and Elisabetta Jezek. CROATPAS: A
resource of corpus-derived Typed Predicate Argument Structures for Croatian
66. Simone Bruno,
Silvia Maria Ansaldi, Patrizia Agnello and Fabio Massimo Zanzotto. Standardizing Language with Word Embeddings
and Language Modeling in Reports of Near Misses in Seveso Industries
18:30-18:45 “CLiC 2019 Best Paper” and “AILC Master Thesis Award”
18:45-19:30 AILC meeting
19:30-23:00 Social Event
Friday, November 15th 2019
09:30-10:30 Panel - "Ethical issues in Natural Language processing", Chair: Alessandro Lenci
10:30-11:00 Poster Madness III
86. Tahir
Mehmood, Alfonso Gerevini, Alberto Lavelli and Ivan Serina. Multi-task Learning Applied to Biomedical
Named Entity Recognition Task
85. Paolo
Lorusso, Matteo Greco, Cristiano Chesi and Andrea Moro. Asymmetries in extraction from nominal copular sentences: a challenging
case study for NLP tools
1. Rodolfo
Delmonte and Nicolò Busetto. Detecting
Irony in Shakespeare’s Sonnets with SPARSAR
44. Martina
Miliani, Lucia C. Passaro and Alessandro Lenci. Text Frame Detector: slot filling based on domain knowledge bases
58. Andrea Bolioli, Francesca Alloatti, Mariafrancesca Guadalupi, Roberta Iolanda Lanzi, Giorgia Pregnolato, Andrea Turolla. How do
Physiotherapists and Patients talk? Developing and annotating RiMotivAzione
dialogue corpus
15. Claudio
Mastronardo and Fabio Tamburini. Enhancing
a Text Summarization System with ELMo
14. Marco
Cremaschi, Federico Bianchi and Andrea Maurino. Supporting Journalism by Combining Neural Language Generation and
Knowledge Graphs
77. Francesca Di
Massimo, Valentina Carfora, Patrizia Catellani and Marco Piastra. Applying Psychology of Persuasion via
Artificial Intelligence to Conversational Agents: an Exploratory Study
23. Martina
Fieromonte, Dominique Brunato, Felice Dell'Orletta and Giulia Venturi. Italian and English sentence
simplification: how many differences?
60. Johann
Seltmann, Luca Ducceschi and Aurelie Herbelot. How much competence is there in performance? Assessing the
distributional hypothesis in word bigrams
68. Kledia Topciu
and Cristiano Chesi. Reflexives,
impersonals and their kin: a classification problem
28. Daniele
Puccinelli, Silvia Demartini and Renée E. D'Aoust. Fixing Comma Splices in Italian with BERT
78. Luca Putelli,
Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Alberto Lavelli and Ivan Serina. The Impact of Self-Interaction Attention on the Extraction of Drug-Drug
38. Raffaele
Guarasci, Emanuele Damiano, Aniello Minutolo and Massimo Esposito. When Lexicon-Grammar meets Open Information
Extraction: a computational experiment for Italian sentences
52. Ivan Namor,
Pietro Totis, Samuele Garda and Manfred Stede. Mining Italian short argumentative texts
53. Andrea Amelio
Ravelli, Oier Lopez de Lacalle and Eneko Agirre. A comparison of representation models in a non-conventional semantic
similarity scenario
8. Domenico
Alfano, Roberto Abbruzzese and Donato Cappetta. Neural Semantic Role Labeling using Verb Sense Disambiguation
12. Azzurra
Mancuso and Alessandro Laudanna. Objective
frequency values of canonical and syntactically modified idioms: preliminary
normative data
45. Raffaele
Manna, Antonio Pascucci and Johanna Monti. Gender
Detection and Stylistic Differences and Similarities between Males and Females
in a Dream Tales Blog
11:00-12:00 Coffee break + Poster session III
12:00-13:30 Research communications Session
94. Matteo
Catena, Ophir Frieder, Cristina Ioana Muntean, Franco Maria Nardini, Raffaele
Perego and Nicola Tonellotto. Enhanced
News Retrieval: Passages Lead the Way!
91. Angelo
Basile, Albert Gatt and Malvina Nissim. You
Write Like You Eat: Stylistic Variation as a Predictor of Social Stratification
99. Alina Maria
Ciobanu and Liviu P. Dinu. Ab Initio:
Automatic Latin Proto-word Reconstruction
95. Yi-Ling
Chung, Elizaveta Kuzmenko, Serra Sinem Tekiroglu and Marco Guerini. CONAN - COunter NArratives through
Nichesourcing: a Multilingual Dataset of Responses to Fight Online Hate Speech
92. Rachele
Sprugnoli and Sara Tonelli. Novel Event
Detection and Classification for Historical Texts
93. Claudio
Greco, Barbara Plank, Raquel Fernández and Raffaella Bernardi. Psycholinguistics meets Continual Learning:
Measuring Catastrophic Forgetting in Visual Question Answering
13:30-14:00 Closing